Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Get to Know Your CU - Brandy F.

Name: Brandy F.
Birthday: October 16th
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Job Title: Member Service Representative
Years to date working at MHFCU: 1/2!

What has been your favorite MHFCU moment so far?
Meeting new people and getting to know everyone.

What is your favorite service offered at MHFCU?
All the services are my favorite because it offers convience to the members.

What are some of your hobbies?
Traveling, spending time with my son and family..

What is your favorite type of music?
Gospel and R&B

Winter weather or summer weather?
Neither! I like the fall season.

Heels or flats?
Heels, most definitely.

Stay up late or go to bed early?
Stay up late.

Bank or Credit Union?
Credit Union, of course!

Would you rather...

..be 3 feet tall or 9 feet tall?
3 feet tall, because people would be more prone to hear what I have to say than see me and not hear me.

..be a kid your whole life, or be an adult your whole life?
Kid - because there would be no worries!

..always say everything on your mind, or never speak again?
Well, I already say most everything on my mind... But I'm learning to keep it at a minimum ;)

What was your favorite cartoon when you were a kid?
Smurfs, just because they were so cute!

If you had to be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose and why?
Big Brother - That is my favorite TV show of all time!

What was the last song the radio ruined for you?
This is a good question! I've never thought about it. I will have to get back with y'all on that one. :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

October iPod Winner

Cindy works at Southwind Medical Specialists and was the lucky winner of a red iPod Nano for the month of October! (In a surprise twist, it was also her birthday!)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Get to Know Your CU - Nicole B.

Name: Nicole B.
Birthday: March 19
Hometown: Your guess is as good as mine! But for simplicity's sake, let's say Knoxville.
Job Title: Member Service Representative
Years to date working at MHFCU: 1 1/2 months!
Your employment anniversary at the Credit Union: October 4, 2011

What has been your favorite MHFCU moment so far?
Staff dinner - There was SO MUCH FOOD and it was nice to get to know more of my coworkers a little better.

What is your favorite service offered at MHFCU?
The Christmas Loan is a great service. This time of year can definitely be a strain on one's wallet, so I know members appreciate the added funds.

What are some of your hobbies?
Reading, music

What is your favorite type of music?
Not a fair question!

What is your favorite thing about Memphis?
The music history and BBQ.

CDs or MP3 player?
MP3, but CDs in the car.

Singing or dancing?

Cooking or baking?

Bank or Credit Union?
I feel like this should be obvious... ;)

Would you rather...

..Be 3 feet tall or 9 feet tall?
3 feet tall - 9 feet would be much more difficult to accommodate.

..Be a kid your whole life, or be an adult your whole life?
Adult - While it would be nice to never have the responsibilities of an adult, I appreciate having more control over my life and more knowledge about the world and myself.

..Always say everything on your mind, or never speak again?
Always say everything on my mind, because usually I wish I had anyway.

What was your favorite cartoon when you were a kid?
Tomy & Jerry and Scooby Doo.

How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop (If you don't know, please do the research and get back to us.)
I will get back to you. ;)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Get to Know Your Credit Union - April S.

Name: April S.
Birthday: March 16th
Hometown: Horn Lake, MS
Job Title: Member Service Representative
Years to date working at MHFCU: 7 1/2
Your employment anniversary at the Credit Union: April 19, 2004

What is your favorite service offered at MHFCU?
Bill Pay - I love never having to actually write checks. Especially since it's free when you sign up for e-Statements.

What are some of your hobbies?
I don't really have any hobbies... I just really love spending time with my family and friends.

What is your favorite type of music?

City or country?

Shoes or sandals?
Sandals... But I prefer barefoot!

Mac or PC?
I've mostly used PCs, but I just got my first MAC and I LOVE IT!

Bank or Credit Union?
Credit Union, of course! They always have better services and rates, and much friendlier customer service.

Would you rather...

..be 3 feet tall or 9 feet tall?
I think I'd rather be 3 feet tall. 9 feet would probably send people running the other way!

..be a kid your whole life, or be an adult your whole life?
This is a tough one... If you were a kid your whole life, you would have no worries (outside of what kind of cereal you wanted to eat and which cartoon you wanted to watch). On the other hand, you would never experience true love or the joys of parenthood. I'm torn...

..always say everything on your mind, or never speak again?
Always say everything! For one, I LOVE to talk! Second, I usually hold back and I've always wished I could change that about myself.

What was your favorite cartoon when you were a kid?
Not really sure about a cartoon, but my favorite movie was The Wizard of Oz.

How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (If you don't know, please do the research and get back to us.)
Haven't had a chance to actually do this research juuust yet...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Get to Know Your Credit Union - Nancy W.

Name: Nancy W.
Birthday: July 15
Hometown: Brighton, TN
Job Title: Member Service Representative
Years to date working at MHFCU: 4 1/2
Your employment anniversary at the Credit Union: April 20, 2007

What has been your favorite MHFCU moment so far?
Signing people up for Christmas Loans and Christmas Club Accounts, because members get so excited when they get an early start on the Holiday shopping!

What is your favorite service offered at MHFCU?
FOCUS and Bill Pay - I can view my account quickly, whenever I need to.

What are some of your hobbies?
Horseback riding, gardening, fishing...

What is your favorite type of music?
70's and Gospel.

What is your favorite thing about Memphis?
Memphis Tigers basketball and a great variety of restaurants!

Dressy or casual?

Regular Cheerios or Honey Nut Cheerios?
Honey Nut Cheerios, they have the sweet and salty at the same time.

Bank or Credit Union?
Credit Union! They're more personable.

Would you rather...

..be 3 feet tall or 9 feet tall?
3 feet tall, because I have been tall all my life!

..be a kid your whole life, or be an adult your whole life?
Kid. My grandmother always told me I could be a kid at heart and never grow old.

..always say everything on your mind, or never speak again?
Never speak again - Actions speak louder than words anyway.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I would guess none, because a woodchuck can't chuck wood...?

What was your favorite cartoon when you were a kid?
Tom and Jerry - You never knew what surprise was coming next!

Monday, October 3, 2011

August & September iPod Winners!

If you come sign up to be a member of Methodist Healthcare Federal Credit Union at a Membership Drive, you become eligible to enter our drawing for an iPod Nano. Once a month we pick a winner, and the winner for the month of August was
at Methodist Germantown!
Our winner for the month of September was Courtney, another Methodist Germantown employee...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Get to Know Your Credit Union - Kristi M.

Name: Kristi M.
Birthday: June 28
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
Job Title: Member Service Representative
Years to date working at MHFCU: 3
Your employment anniversary at the Credit Union: March 2, 2008

What has been your favorite MHFCU moment so far?
The youth events - we all get to play and be big kids :)

What is your favorite service offered at MHFCU & Why?
FOCUS & Mobile Money - I can check my balance or transfer anytime, any place.

What are some of your hobbies?
I love to read, and spend time with my girls - they keep me busy!

What is your favorite type of music?
All types! But my favorite would have to be country.

What is your favorite thing about Memphis?
The rich musical history that surrounds the city.

Facebook or Google+?

Christmas or your Birthday?
Christmas. But Thanksgiving is actually my favorite.

Heels or flats?
Both! I love heels though - they make you feel pretty.

Would you rather...

..be 3 feet tall or 9 feet tall?
3 feet tall, because it's amazing what you notice when you are that small!

..be a kid your whole life, or be an adult your whole life?
Kid, definitely. I mean, who wants to pay bills their whole life?!

..always say everything on your mind, or never speak again?
Never speak again... I tend to hold back most things.

If you had to be on a reality TV show, which one would you pick & Why?
Big Brother! I love that show. It has both physical and psychological sides to the game, and playing both can be challenging.

If you found an elephant in your backyard, what would you do with it?
Scream for my girls to come look. They would love it - elephant rides for all!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Get to Know Your Credit Union - Haley C.

Name: Haley C.
Birthday: December 11
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Job Title: Member Service Representative
Years to date working at MHFCU: About 3 1/2
Your employment anniversary at the Credit Union: April 4, 2008

What has been your favorite MHFCU moment so far?
The youth fairs we started a couple of years back - I'm a kid at heart.

What is your favorite service offered at MHFCU?
FOCUS and bill pay, because I can check my account and pay my bills from literally anywhere.

What are some of your hobbies?
Reading, writing, and playing video games.

What is your favorite type of music?
All types - currently listening to the band Fleet Foxes.

What is your favorite thing about Memphis?
The blues and rock culture our city is famous for.

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Mexican or Italian?

Facebook or Google+?
I don't do social networking sites, but I have a gmail account :P

Bank or Credit Union?
Bank. Wait, will my supervisor see this? JUST KIDDING! Credit Union, of course!

Would you rather...

..be 3 feet tall or 9 feet tall?
3 feet tall - then I could sneak in just about anywhere.

..be a kid your whole life, or be an adult your whole life?
Kid. Definitely. No bills and no work!

..always say everything on your mind, or never speak again?
Always say what's on my mind... I am sort of in that habit already.

If you had to be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose and why?
Jersey Shore - It would be interesting, that's for sure!

If you found an elephant in your backyard, what would you do with it?
If I could afford to feed him, I would name him Dumbo and keep him! Otherwise I'd call the elephant sanctuary here in Tennessee.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Get to Know Your Credit Union - Brandy M.

Since we are here to help you, we figure you might like to know a little about each of us. So, for the next several posts, we will be introducing our staff through our "Get to Know Your Credit Union" series! This week, meet Brandy M.

Name: Brandy M.
Birthday: August 31st (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!)
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Job Title: Member Service Representative
Years to date working at MHFCU: Almost 10!
Your employment anniversary at the Credit Union: December 28, 2002

What has been your favorite MHFCU moment so far?
When we played on the moon bounce in the rain at the very first youth event.

What is your favorite service offered at MHFCU?
FOCUS (online banking), so I can keep track of my spending over the weekend.

What are some of your hobbies?
Key chain and shot glass collecting.

What is your favorite type of music?
Country... with a little of everything else.

What is your favorite thing about Memphis?
True Southern values.

Mickey D's or Burger King?
McDonald's - I LOVE their chicken nuggets.

Pepsi or Coke?
Coke - It's what I was raised on. Plus, Pepsi is too sweet now.

Sweet or salty?
Depends on my mood, but mainly salty.

Would you rather...
..be 3 feet tall or 9 feet tall?
9 feet tall - I enjoy being tall. I may not be 9 feet, but I am tall!

..be a kid your whole life, or be an adult your whole life?
Kid - You don't have to worry as much.

..always say everything on your mind, or never speak again?
Say everything... Did I mention that I'm a talker??

If you had to be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose and why?
The Amazing Race - I would love to travel.

If you found an elephant in your backyard, what would you do with it?
Call the zoo!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Methodist Hospice Residence Grand Opening!

MHFCU would like to extend a big CONGRATULATIONS! to Methodist Hospice Residence for their Grand Opening, which was held on June 29th.

The Methodist Hospice Residence is a state-of-the-art facility that is intended not only to attend to the physical needs of the terminally ill, but also to address the spiritual needs of both the patient and the family. Patients may bring personal belongings in order to add to the already home-like feel of the facility and family pets are even allowed to make visits.

MHFCU is proud to be a contributor to the building of this wonderful, one-of-a-kind facility and we wish them much success!